Nesting in RxODE

More than one level of nesting is possible in RxODE; In this example we will be using the following uncertainties and sources of variability:

Level Variable Matrix specified Integrated Matrix
Model uncertainty NA thetaMat thetaMat
Investigator inv.Cl, inv.Ka omega theta
Subject eta.Cl, eta.Ka omega omega
Eye eye.Cl, eye.Ka omega omega
Occasion iov.Cl, occ.Ka omega omega
Unexplained Concentration sigma sigma
Unexplained Effect sigma sigma

Event table

This event table contains nesting variables:

  • inv: investigator id
  • id: subject id
  • eye: eye id (left or right)
  • occ: occasion
#> RxODE 1.1.1 using 1 threads (see ?getRxThreads)
#>   no cache: create with `rxCreateCache()`
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
et(amountUnits="mg", timeUnits="hours") %>%
  et(amt=10000, addl=9,ii=12,cmt="depot") %>%
  et(time=120, amt=2000, addl=4, ii=14, cmt="depot") %>%
  et(seq(0, 240, by=4)) %>% # Assumes sampling when there is no dosing information
  et(seq(0, 240, by=4) + 0.1) %>% ## adds 0.1 for separate eye
  et(id=1:20) %>%
  ## Add an occasion per dose
  mutate(occ=cumsum(! %>%
  mutate(occ=ifelse(occ == 0, 1, occ)) %>%
  mutate(occ=2- occ %% 2) %>%
  mutate(eye=ifelse(round(time) == time, 1, 2)) %>%
  mutate(inv=ifelse(id < 10, 1, 2)) %>% as_tibble ->

RxODE model

This creates the RxODE model with multi-level nesting. Note the variables inv.Cl, inv.Ka, eta.Cl etc; You only need one variable for each level of nesting.

mod <- RxODE({
  ## Clearance with individuals
  eff(0) = 1
  C2 = centr/V2*(;
  C3 = peri/V3;
  CL =  TCl*exp(eta.Cl + eye.Cl + iov.Cl + inv.Cl)
  KA = TKA * exp(eta.Ka + eye.Ka + iov.Cl + inv.Ka)
  d/dt(depot) =-KA*depot;
  d/dt(centr) = KA*depot - CL*C2 - Q*C2 + Q*C3;
  d/dt(peri)  =                    Q*C2 - Q*C3;
  d/dt(eff)  = Kin - Kout*(1-C2/(EC50+C2))*eff;
  ef0 = eff +

Uncertainty in Model parameters

theta <- c("TKA"=0.294, "TCl"=18.6, "V2"=40.2,
           "Q"=10.5, "V3"=297, "Kin"=1, "Kout"=1, "EC50"=200)

## Creating covariance matrix
tmp <- matrix(rnorm(8^2), 8, 8)
tMat <- tcrossprod(tmp, tmp) / (8 ^ 2)
dimnames(tMat) <- list(names(theta), names(theta))

#>               TKA           TCl           V2             Q            V3
#> TKA   0.052299027 -0.0020034683 -0.013430812  0.0042390076  0.0413906822
#> TCl  -0.002003468  0.0218331047  0.002766279  0.0182346413 -0.0332541792
#> V2   -0.013430812  0.0027662795  0.078878019  0.0428913911 -0.0064044043
#> Q     0.004239008  0.0182346413  0.042891391  0.0688584959  0.0005038676
#> V3    0.041390682 -0.0332541792 -0.006404404  0.0005038676  0.1168521908
#> Kin  -0.028991201  0.0249455744  0.019150688  0.0346070136 -0.0700758592
#> Kout  0.003501976 -0.0009969396 -0.047376005  0.0044577667  0.0140943439
#> EC50 -0.012011849 -0.0314580393 -0.079212914 -0.0642195971  0.0287538400
#>               Kin          Kout        EC50
#> TKA  -0.028991201  0.0035019757 -0.01201185
#> TCl   0.024945574 -0.0009969396 -0.03145804
#> V2    0.019150688 -0.0473760047 -0.07921291
#> Q     0.034607014  0.0044577667 -0.06421960
#> V3   -0.070075859  0.0140943439  0.02875384
#> Kin   0.106305332  0.0091986293 -0.04788276
#> Kout  0.009198629  0.0845471861  0.06074777
#> EC50 -0.047882765  0.0607477694  0.16205720

Nesting Variability

To specify multiple levels of nesting, you can specify it as a nested lotri matrix; When using this approach you use the condition operator | to specify what variable nesting occurs on; For the Bayesian simulation we need to specify how much information we have for each parameter; For RxODE this is the nu parameter.

In this case: - id, nu=100 or the model came from 100 subjects - eye, nu=200 or the model came from 200 eyes - occ, nu=200 or the model came from 200 occasions - inv, nu=10 or the model came from 10 investigators

To specify this in lotri you can use | var(nu=X), or:

omega <- lotri(lotri(eta.Cl ~ 0.1,
                     eta.Ka ~ 0.1) | id(nu=100),
               lotri(eye.Cl ~ 0.05,
                     eye.Ka ~ 0.05) | eye(nu=200),
               lotri(iov.Cl ~ 0.01,
                     iov.Ka ~ 0.01) | occ(nu=200),
               lotri(inv.Cl ~ 0.02,
                     inv.Ka ~ 0.02) | inv(nu=10))
#> $id
#>        eta.Cl eta.Ka
#> eta.Cl    0.1    0.0
#> eta.Ka    0.0    0.1
#> $eye
#>        eye.Cl eye.Ka
#> eye.Cl   0.05   0.00
#> eye.Ka   0.00   0.05
#> $occ
#>        iov.Cl iov.Ka
#> iov.Cl   0.01   0.00
#> iov.Ka   0.00   0.01
#> $inv
#>        inv.Cl inv.Ka
#> inv.Cl   0.02   0.00
#> inv.Ka   0.00   0.02
#> Properties: nu

Unexplained variability

The last piece of variability to specify is the unexplained variability

sigma <- lotri( ~ .25,

Solving the problem

s <- rxSolve(mod, theta, ev,
             thetaMat=tMat, omega=omega,
             sigma=sigma, sigmaDf=400,
#> unhandled error message: EE:[lsoda] 70000 steps taken before reaching tout
#>  @(lsoda.c:749
#> Warning: some ID(s) could not solve the ODEs correctly; These values are
#> replaced with 'NA'
#> ______________________________ Solved RxODE object _____________________________
#> -- Parameters ($params): -------------------------------------------------------
#> # A tibble: 8,000 x 24
#> id    `inv.Cl(inv==1)` `inv.Cl(inv==2)` `inv.Ka(inv==1)`
#>     <int> <fct>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
#>  1      1 1             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  2      1 2             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  3      1 3             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  4      1 4             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  5      1 5             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  6      1 6             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  7      1 7             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  8      1 8             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#>  9      1 9             -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#> 10      1 10            -0.00275          -0.0420           -0.151
#> # ... with 7,990 more rows, and 19 more variables: inv.Ka(inv==2) <dbl>,
#> #   eye.Cl(eye==1) <dbl>, eye.Cl(eye==2) <dbl>, eye.Ka(eye==1) <dbl>,
#> #   eye.Ka(eye==2) <dbl>, iov.Cl(occ==1) <dbl>, iov.Cl(occ==2) <dbl>,
#> #   iov.Ka(occ==1) <dbl>, iov.Ka(occ==2) <dbl>, V2 <dbl>, V3 <dbl>, TCl <dbl>,
#> #   eta.Cl <dbl>, TKA <dbl>, eta.Ka <dbl>, Q <dbl>, Kin <dbl>, Kout <dbl>,
#> #   EC50 <dbl>
#> -- Initial Conditions ($inits): ------------------------------------------------
#> depot centr  peri   eff 
#>     0     0     0     1 
#> Simulation with uncertainty in:
#> * parameters (s$thetaMat for changes)
#> * omega matrix (s$omegaList)
#> -- First part of data (object): ------------------------------------------------
#> # A tibble: 976,000 x 18
#>    id  time   inv.Cl inv.Ka eye.Cl eye.Ka iov.Cl  iov.Ka    C2       C3
#>    <int> <int>   [h]    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1      1     1   0   -0.00275 -0.151 0.0266 0.313   0.134 -0.0798 0     0       
#> 2      1     1   0.1 -0.00275 -0.151 0.457  0.0464  0.134 -0.0798 0.664 0.000843
#> 3      1     1   4   -0.00275 -0.151 0.0266 0.313   0.134 -0.0798 3.37  0.342   
#> 4      1     1   4.1 -0.00275 -0.151 0.457  0.0464  0.134 -0.0798 4.58  0.352   
#> 5      1     1   8   -0.00275 -0.151 0.0266 0.313   0.134 -0.0798 5.06  0.717   
#> 6      1     1   8.1 -0.00275 -0.151 0.457  0.0464  0.134 -0.0798 4.41  0.725   
#> # ... with 975,994 more rows, and 7 more variables: CL <dbl>, KA <dbl>,
#> #   ef0 <dbl>, depot <dbl>, centr <dbl>, peri <dbl>, eff <dbl>
#> ________________________________________________________________________________

There are multiple investigators in a study; Each investigator has a number of individuals enrolled at their site. RxODE automatically determines the number of investigators and then will simulate an effect for each investigator. With the output, inv.Cl(inv==1) will be the inv.Cl for investigator 1, inv.Cl(inv==2) will be the inv.Cl for investigator 2, etc.

inv.Cl(inv==1), inv.Cl(inv==2), etc will be simulated for each study and then combined to form the between investigator variability. In equation form these represent the following:

inv.Cl = (inv == 1) * `inv.Cl(inv==1)` + (inv == 2) * `inv.Cl(inv==2)`

If you look at the simulated parameters you can see inv.Cl(inv==1) and inv.Cl(inv==2) are in the s$params; They are the same for each study:

#> id inv.Cl(inv==1) inv.Cl(inv==2) inv.Ka(inv==1) inv.Ka(inv==2)
#> 1      1  1   -0.002747036    -0.04199234     -0.1511898     0.09129996
#> 2      1  2   -0.002747036    -0.04199234     -0.1511898     0.09129996
#> 3      1  3   -0.002747036    -0.04199234     -0.1511898     0.09129996
#> 4      1  4   -0.002747036    -0.04199234     -0.1511898     0.09129996
#> 5      1  5   -0.002747036    -0.04199234     -0.1511898     0.09129996
#> 6      1  6   -0.002747036    -0.04199234     -0.1511898     0.09129996
#>   eye.Cl(eye==1) eye.Cl(eye==2) eye.Ka(eye==1) eye.Ka(eye==2) iov.Cl(occ==1)
#> 1     0.02663260     0.45652885     0.31266166     0.04643933    0.133931213
#> 2    -0.00645066    -0.14663791    -0.05418058     0.46416699   -0.187409314
#> 3    -0.19104833     0.28809622    -0.21654429     0.23997922    0.028992966
#> 4    -0.43362901     0.18609466    -0.28564274    -0.25316655    0.043293203
#> 5     0.20127512     0.14003835     0.06926179     0.02192560    0.006925008
#> 6     0.44923971     0.06974016    -0.16320977    -0.11844843    0.108659686
#>   iov.Cl(occ==2) iov.Ka(occ==1) iov.Ka(occ==2)       V2       V3     TCl
#> 1    0.056467287   -0.079792617    -0.02431260 40.29231 296.7368 18.7175
#> 2   -0.027264704   -0.056838177    -0.11527060 40.29231 296.7368 18.7175
#> 3    0.001101861   -0.002305014    -0.02606005 40.29231 296.7368 18.7175
#> 4   -0.040806968    0.052022440    -0.08489036 40.29231 296.7368 18.7175
#> 5   -0.167999980   -0.075263205     0.04186347 40.29231 296.7368 18.7175
#> 6    0.046880336    0.009432103    -0.06332094 40.29231 296.7368 18.7175
#>        eta.Cl        TKA      eta.Ka        Q     Kin      Kout     EC50
#> 1  0.05249875 0.02854144 -0.66296533 10.50871 1.19586 0.7642861 199.6414
#> 2  0.69046590 0.02854144  0.34608629 10.50871 1.19586 0.7642861 199.6414
#> 3 -0.16526149 0.02854144  0.07753312 10.50871 1.19586 0.7642861 199.6414
#> 4  0.17141880 0.02854144  0.07579197 10.50871 1.19586 0.7642861 199.6414
#> 5  0.04265318 0.02854144  0.09043223 10.50871 1.19586 0.7642861 199.6414
#> 6  0.04398132 0.02854144  0.41274350 10.50871 1.19586 0.7642861 199.6414
print(head(s$params %>% filter( == 2)))
#> id inv.Cl(inv==1) inv.Cl(inv==2) inv.Ka(inv==1) inv.Ka(inv==2)
#> 1      2  1      0.2142626    0.005337268      0.2257368    -0.06238657
#> 2      2  2      0.2142626    0.005337268      0.2257368    -0.06238657
#> 3      2  3      0.2142626    0.005337268      0.2257368    -0.06238657
#> 4      2  4      0.2142626    0.005337268      0.2257368    -0.06238657
#> 5      2  5      0.2142626    0.005337268      0.2257368    -0.06238657
#> 6      2  6      0.2142626    0.005337268      0.2257368    -0.06238657
#>   eye.Cl(eye==1) eye.Cl(eye==2) eye.Ka(eye==1) eye.Ka(eye==2) iov.Cl(occ==1)
#> 1    -0.28637459    -0.32602143    -0.18435100    -0.06883430    -0.11106234
#> 2     0.34495061     0.01464476     0.16817239    -0.04083867    -0.01601272
#> 3     0.24400619     0.19866998    -0.04173507    -0.29629002    -0.13689397
#> 4     0.02743539     0.05776011    -0.24078054     0.04593929     0.02620149
#> 5     0.19090509    -0.16212950     0.49114346     0.10336253    -0.13556974
#> 6    -0.15327550    -0.09805926     0.11269492    -0.01609979     0.02763238
#>   iov.Cl(occ==2) iov.Ka(occ==1) iov.Ka(occ==2)       V2       V3      TCl
#> 1     0.13902745    0.003094429     0.03594814 40.16754 297.1583 18.46715
#> 2    -0.02666789    0.007220282    -0.06790929 40.16754 297.1583 18.46715
#> 3     0.11351119   -0.086691401    -0.06195628 40.16754 297.1583 18.46715
#> 4     0.01901208   -0.112879021     0.18574793 40.16754 297.1583 18.46715
#> 5    -0.03040496   -0.006146741     0.03085491 40.16754 297.1583 18.46715
#> 6    -0.12782711    0.043930861    -0.08498676 40.16754 297.1583 18.46715
#>        eta.Cl       TKA      eta.Ka       Q       Kin      Kout     EC50
#> 1 -0.40789384 0.3212433 -0.07189073 10.3295 0.9591919 0.9804559 200.2417
#> 2  0.11494752 0.3212433  0.30166435 10.3295 0.9591919 0.9804559 200.2417
#> 3 -0.07089084 0.3212433 -0.31349280 10.3295 0.9591919 0.9804559 200.2417
#> 4  0.25526236 0.3212433 -0.67862826 10.3295 0.9591919 0.9804559 200.2417
#> 5 -0.42579910 0.3212433 -0.18178978 10.3295 0.9591919 0.9804559 200.2417
#> 6 -0.24397398 0.3212433  0.28921473 10.3295 0.9591919 0.9804559 200.2417

For between eye variability and between occasion variability each individual simulates a number of variables that become the between eye and between occasion variability; In the case of the eye:

eye.Cl = (eye == 1) * `eye.Cl(eye==1)` + (eye == 2) * `eye.Cl(eye==2)`

So when you look the simulation each of these variables (ie eye.Cl(eye==1), eye.Cl(eye==2), etc) they change for each individual and when combined make the between eye variability or the between occasion variability that can be seen in some pharamcometric models.