Bind the study parameters and individual parameters
rxCbindStudyIndividual(studyParameters, individualParameters)
studyParameters | These are the study parameters, often can be generated by sampling from a population. This can be either a matrix or a data frame |
individualParameters | A data frame of individual parameters |
Data frame that can be used in RxODE simulations
Matthew Fidler
# Function for coverting coefficient of covariance into a variance
lognCv <- function(x){log((x/100)^2+1)}
nSub <- 100
nStud <- 10
#define theta
theta <- c(lka=log(0.5), # log ka
lCl=log(5), # log Cl
lV=log(300) # log V
#define theta Matrix
thetaMat <- lotri(lCl ~ lognCv(5),
lV ~ lognCv(5),
lka ~ lognCv(5))
#> Error: matrix expression should be 'name ~ c(lower-tri)'
nev <- nSub*nStud
ev1 <- data.frame(COV1=rnorm(nev,50,30),COV2=rnorm(nev,75,10),
tmat <-rxRmvn(nStud, theta[dimnames(thetaMat)[[1]]], thetaMat)
#> Error in rxRmvn(nStud, theta[dimnames(thetaMat)[[1]]], thetaMat) object 'thetaMat' not found
rxCbindStudyIndividual(tmat, ev1)
#> Error in rxCbindStudyIndividual(tmat, ev1) object 'tmat' not found