Generate predictions after a generalized non-linear mixed effect model fit
prediction(fit, pred, data = NULL, mc.cores = 1)
a gnlmm fit object
prediction function
new data
number of cores (for Linux only)
observed and predicted
# \donttest{
if (FALSE) {
ode <- "
d/dt(depot) =-KA*depot;
d/dt(centr) = KA*depot - KE*centr;
sys1 <- RxODE(ode)
pars <- function() {
CL <- exp(THETA[1] + ETA[1]) # ; if (CL>100) CL=100
KA <- exp(THETA[2] + ETA[2]) # ; if (KA>20) KA=20
KE <- exp(THETA[3])
V <- CL / KE
sig2 <- exp(THETA[4])
llik <- function() {
pred <- centr / V
dnorm(DV, pred, sd = sqrt(sig2), log = TRUE)
inits <- list(THTA = c(-3.22, 0.47, -2.45, 0))
inits$OMGA <- list(ETA[1]+ETA[2]~c(.027, .01, .37))
theo <- theo_md
fit <- try(gnlmm(llik, theo, inits, pars, sys1,
control = list(trace = TRUE, nAQD = 1)
if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
pred <- function() {
pred <- centr / V
s <- try(prediction(fit, pred))
if (!inherits(s, "try-error")) {
plot(s$p, s$dv)
abline(0, 1, col = "red")
# }