Adding covariate to a given variable in an nlmixr model expression
an nlmixr 'fit' object
a string giving the variable name to which covariate needs to be added
a string giving the covariate name; must be present in the data used for 'fit'
the kind of normalization to be used while normalizing covariates; must be either 'mean' or 'median'
a string defining operator to be used for transforming covariates using 'norm'; must be one among 'mul', 'div', 'sub', 'add'
a boolean indicating if the 'covariate' is categorical
a boolean indicating if 'covariate' is of Hockey-stick kind
the initial estimate for the covariate parameters to be estimated; default is 0
a lower bound for the covariate parameters to be estimated; default is -Inf
an upper bound for the covariate parameters to be estimated; default is Inf
a list with the updated model expression and data with columns corresponding to normalized covaraite(s) appended